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Treatment for Platysma Bands: How to Smooth Necklines Effectively

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Struggling with visible neck bands or sagging skin? Platysma bands, which can create unwanted lines and wrinkles along the neck, are a common concern as we age. At My Aesthetics Intelligence, we offer cutting-edge neurotoxin treatments to effectively smooth and rejuvenate the neck area without the need for surgery. This quick and minimally invasive procedure targets the platysma muscles, reducing the appearance of neck bands and restoring a more youthful contour. Say goodbye to neck wrinkles and hello to a smoother, tighter neckline with our advanced neurotoxin solutions. Discover why our clients trust us for natural-looking, lasting results.

Treatments for Platysma Bands



Smooth & Rejuvenate Your Neck

Platysma bands form when the muscles in the neck, known as the platysma, become more pronounced with age, creating vertical lines or bands. These bands can contribute to a tired or aged appearance, even in individuals who maintain a youthful face. By strategically injecting neurotoxin into these muscles, we can relax the overactive muscle fibers, softening the appearance of the bands and creating a smoother, more elegant neckline. Our expert injector, Annie Nguyen, NP-C, CANS, specializes in this treatment, ensuring precise application and natural-looking results. This procedure is quick, with minimal downtime, allowing you to return to your daily activities almost immediately. Patients typically notice a significant improvement within a few days, with results lasting several months. At My Aesthetics Intelligence, we prioritize patient education, so during your consultation, we’ll thoroughly discuss your options and customize a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

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